We launched 2015 Geek Camp today.

The three projects that attracted campers were the Big Bouncing Ball challenge, in which they watched this video:

After watching, they were given a random object to use in creating an ad. They received a plastic ruler, which quickly broke. Watch for that video later this week!


The next challenge was to take a favorite kid book and translate it into video format. They got started with Are You My Mother. As Matilda told the group, “it didn’t really happen.” Sometimes that happens.

The last project was creating a city in Minecraft. They outlined some rules ahead of time, including no griefing, and worked on the city, four at a time. I hear there are a lot of emeralds involved.

Over lunch they played a scavenger hunt game. You can find more details at the facebook page, but here are a few of my favorites:

Scavenger hunt item: dog-shaped cloud

Scavenger hunt item: dog-shaped cloud

The scavenger hunt called for a picture of all the group members jumping. You can see the photographer's reflection in the window, so they are all in the picture, jumping.

The scavenger hunt called for a picture of all the group members jumping. You can see the photographer’s reflection in the window, so they are all in the picture, jumping.


We also had a group of campers work on creating superheroes and their own new superhero universe. We’re hoping it provides a platform for future comics, movies and other stories.

Tomorrow we’re going to spend some more time on the badges.