Coding involves goal-oriented activities that require or create algorithmic processes. Design and develop software systems to manage information and create interactive experiences.

Related Activities

Critique software
Set up a development environment
Alter an existing program
Design a new system
Build a new system

Badges Needed

Airport Mode

  • Write a blog post that compares two social media sites
  • Install a typing tutor on your laptop.
  • Work with an experienced author to build a new interactive fiction using Twine.
  • Make a paper prototype for an iPhone app that will improve your life, if built.
  • Allow a person viewing a website to choose between two visual themes.

Network Hub

  • Organize a team with a mix of Minecraft experience to try and discuss a Minecraft alternative.
  • Create a custom starter template for someone else to edit as their first project in a local development environment.
  • Change the colors and sizes to improve the mood of a person using the program.
  • Be a user experience tester for someone else’s system.
  • After building a new system, add comments to the code that recognize the contributions of each team member.


  • Articulate the differences between CodeTogether and CodeAnywhere
  • Install Alice to build an 3D gallery walkthrough that incorporates scans of your original paintings.
  • Change three properties of a Processing program.
  • Complete 7 levels of Fantastic Contraption.
  • Using Processing, build a tool to show you meta information about an uploaded image file.

Task Manager

  • Explain the differences between Facebook and Google-Plus in the context of their launch stories.
  • During initial setup, identify the trouble places and a way for the next person to avoid that problem.
  • Change the Tickle program in Processing to respond differently depending on how long you interact.
  • Make a computer input that responds to light level.
  • Create a webpage that uses a Twitter API library to change screen content.

Ping King

  • Get 10 people to try 3 key tasks on 2 different web-based image editing tools, and then compare their feedback to your own experience.
  • Estimate how many person-minutes it will take to add Processing to a laptop
  • Using the Inspect Element browser tool, temporarily edit an existing web page to promote or report on a fictional project.
  • Examine three music tools, and then create a paper prototype that incorporates the best interactions of each.
  • Using social media, solicit 5 ideas for a simple application a new programmer could write.

Pair Programmer

  • Using CodeAnywhere, try to design a small static website with 2 other people not attending Geek Camp.
  • Offer to install Twine on someone else’s laptop to entice them to create a non-linear story together.
  • Using the inspect element tool on a web browser, edit the content of a page to reflect another camper’s perspective.
  • Ask someone to list three pain points in their life, and then design a mobile application to address one of those problems.
  • Ask for coding help from a local developer via email