Suggested Challenges

  • Make a list of the responses you believe your family would have to 5 specific scenarios, and then compare to their actual answers.
  • Use snapchat to create an experiment that adapts the Telephone Game to test the effects of memory on accuracy.
  • Have people put pencils on their face and then rate YouTube videos on their humorous content.
  • Ask a local designer the same questions as the famous Charles Eames Q&A.
  • Collaborate on an edible experiment with someone and let them eat the treat.

Science Activities

Test a hypothesis
Design an experiment
Demonstrate a known phenomenon
Conduct a survey
Harness science for a purpose

Relationships Activities

Involve people who aren’t here
Communicate asynchronously
Empathize with someone’s experience
Interview someone you don’t know well
Recover from a disconnection

Related Badges
