Suggested Challenges

  • Until you have used at least 5 items, post a picture of three random parts from the Misc Box and augment your invention with the one selected by the first person to respond.
  • Follow the construction directions of someone with whom you recently had an angry disagreement
  • After sending instructions to make something to a friend via email, have them send back a picture with their completed work.
  • Without asking first, create an origami object that you think someone else would want, using that person’s favorite color.
  • Ask someone you don’t know what they were feeling as they took apart something you made for them

Making Activities

Invent something from random parts
Follow an existing plan
Create a new plan for others to follow
Try a plan using different materials
Tear something apart to see how it works

Relationships Activities

Involve people who aren’t here
Communicate asynchronously
Empathize with someone’s experience
Interview someone you don’t know well
Recover from a disconnection

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