Media encompasses any channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are communicated. Create and iterate your narrative through different forms.

Related Activities

Write about your experience
Report on real-time events
Recreate an existing work
Compose a new story from a prompt
Tell a story across different forms

Badges Needed

Close Up

  • Record your talk-aloud narration as you try to use a web-based image editor for the first time.
  • Select an EarthCam stream and record your reaction to what you experience while watching for 10 minutes.
  • Shadow a director as they make a parody video
  • Make a 20-second stop-motion video using a camera and 3Doodler
  • Using spoken, written and recorded words, create an ARG that can be played by campers.

Deep Focus

  • Pick three values you hold or aspire to, and then write a blog post describing why they are important to you.
  • Provide a constructive comment to another person’s blog or social media post that extends the conversation.
  • Create a new video inspired directly from two other Geek Camp projects
  • Devise a simple formula for storytelling using a deck of cards.
  • Manage a transmedia project where different campers tell one story from at least three different perspectives using multiple communication platforms.

Key Grip

  • Describe a new tool you wish you had and how you might go about creating it.
  • Document on Vine how someone builds a new design.
  • Make a new version of a small object with the 3Doodler
  • Click Wikipedia’s “Random article” link three times and write a 100-word story for Cowbird.
  • Articulate the storytelling benefits that distinguish YouTube, Vimeo and Viddler.

Props Master

  • Write about three changes you could to a Geek Camp project to improve the speed and success of its outcome.
  • Add pop-up information to a video documenting a Geek Camp activity.
  • List and find items needed to recreate a music video for a parody.
  • Select 6 items from the Misc Box and use them to create a story.
  • Create a punch line caller to finish a spoken joke by texting a command.


  • Provide a first-hand account of a Geek concern
  • Get as many people as possible to play Photo Bingo, using Instagram to capture photos of things on your card that you find.
  • Calculate the expected reach of a Geek Camp project.
  • Write the inside-jacket teaser for a story inspired by five random items.
  • Explain the similarities between three transmedia projects: Prankster Planet, Frankenstein MD, and Collapsus

Point Of View

  • Directly mention someone not at Geek Camp when sharing your activity on social media
  • Ask a local geek for their reaction to a geek camp project
  • Make a new version of another camper’s project as an homage.
  • Use the five most recent photos in a photo stream to create a full-page panel for a graphic novel.
  • Using any news story linked from as inspiration, create a personal journal entry by and record an interview of a fictional relative of someone mentioned in the article.